2022 Night Out at NE 107th and Alton Ave NE
Many in the Matthews Beach/Meadowbrook community around Alton and 107th were very excited to celebrate at Night Out for the first time in 3 years! While just being able to see and talk to neighbors was the clear priority for everyone, in the spirit of Night Out, we still worked in information about safety and emergency preparedness.
We set up one canopy set up with information about Emergency Hubs, explaining what they are and where they are locally. We had an example of how to make Emergency Sanitation Toilets and explanations of what to do with the waste until plumbing starts working again. The King County Office of Emergency Preparedness provided us with 50 zip-lock like bags, which featured a list of important documents for an emergency preparedness kit on it and stuffed with some related documentation. We only had a few left by the end of the night.
Our Night Out featured two grills, one of which was used mostly for vegetables, and the other for meat and just about anything else neighbors brought to the event and wanted grilled. We promoted we were providing some basic BBQ staples as a part of our grant, such as hot dogs, beef burgers, veggie burgers, grilled vegetables, mostly sugar free sparkling waters, and freshly squeezed lemonade, while encouraging neighbors to bring dishes to share potluck style. The neighbors did not disappoint! Fruits, various salads, cooked and raw vegetables, noodle dishes, and several desserts covered the 15 feet of tables that were set up for that. It was diverse and delicious.
We also set up several canopies, borrowed from the Meadowbrook Emergency Hub, to cover the tables and chairs set up for everyone to sit, dine, and catch up with attendees.
A variety of games were put out for kids of all ages. A Seahawk themed cornhole set was set up, and quite a few people had fun with it, but we had no idea of what the official rules were. There was lots of chalk for drawing on the street, and a few different balls to kick and/or throw around.
Our attendance was officially marked at 57, but many people didn’t sign in, and depending on who you asked, the unofficial attendance was between 75 and 100. We also enjoyed a few attendees that were simply walking/biking through and decided to stop in and enjoy the crowd.
This was a great Night Out, and we thank the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods for its support through the Neighborhood Matching Fund.
Here are some photos of the event.
2022 Night Out in photos
Have some photos of this event that you would like to share? if so, please contact Pam Bowe at pbowe@bowecompany.com for more information.