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North Seattle Sock Drive: November 1-16, 2021
It’s Time to Pitch in, Meadowbrook! As winter approaches Seattle, so comes the grey, rain, and cold. Join Victory Heights, Pinehurst, Meadowbrook, Northaven Senior Living, and the North Precinct Advisory Council as we gather socks and partner with the Seattle Police Department to distribute them to people in need. Donated socks will be delivered to Mary’s Place, International Community Health Services N. Seattle, and the…

Survival Skills Fair for Kids! February 8th, 2020
February 8th, 2020 Dear Northenders,We’ve got an opportunity to teach Seattle kids about disaster preparedness – motivate their parents to get the family prepared – and have some fun ourselves. Win – Win – Win! Saturday, Feb 8th 2pm – 5pm Meadowbrook Community Center In conjunction with the “10th Annual Sustainable NE Skills Fair”, we…

Public Meeting: Thornton Creek Bridges Study – FEB27
The Thornton Creek Bridges Study has explored rehabilitation and replacement options for four bridges in the Meadowbrook neighborhood at: NE 110th St., 39th Ave Ne, NE 105th St. near 39th Ave Ne, and NE 95th St. near Sand Point Way. The study intends to identify solutions that included long term multi-modal transportation demands for biking, walking, driving, and mass transit.

Northgate Ped/Bike Bridge Project
Northgate Ped/Bike Bridge construction update Late July daytime bridge span work over 1st Ave NE (between NE 100th St and NE 103rd St) The week of July 20-24, crews will be installing the first set of spans on 1st Ave NE. The spans included in this work make up the portion of the bridge that’s…