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JAMS Master Plan Meeting and Celebration!
Please plan to attend the final community meeting to present the completed Schematic Design for the Jane Addams Middle School-Campus Exercise Loop. The meeting will be in the JAMS cafeteria Thursday, October 17th from 7-8:30PM. Come have cake, view the final design, and celebrate this continued progress on our Master Plan. Your time at this…
100 Thousand Poets for Change @ Meadowbrook Pond, SAT 09/25
Please join us for our 100 Thousand Poets for Change event at our Meadowbrook Pond on Saturday September 25th, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
The Willow Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project in Meadowbrook
The Thornton Creek Watershed of northeast Seattle has two main branches, North and South. These branches converge at The Confluence in the Meadowbrook neighborhood at NE 107th Street, on the east side of 35th Ave NE across from Nathan Hale High School. Now called Meadowbrook Pond Natural Area, the site serves to hold and filter…
Thornton Creek Bridge Study
This project is studying 4 bridges in the Matthews Beach neighborhood that have an average age of 65 years and are showing signs of deterioration. While still safe to use, each bridge is near the end of its useful life. The primary goal of this study is to identify feasible solutions that address long-term multimodal…