Update: Northgate Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge Project

Bridge span installations over I-5 starting tomorrow
We plan to install the bridge spans across I-5 over the next two weekends. This work will occur overnight to limit impacts to traffic. The bridge span over the northbound lanes of I-5 will be installed overnight, starting at 11:59 PM on Saturday, June 12, and continue into Sunday morning until 4:30 AM; the span over the southbound lanes will be installed overnight the following weekend, beginning at 11:59 PM on Saturday, June 19, and continue into Sunday morning until 4:30 AM. Each span has been assembled in the median of I-5 and will now be moved into place using self-propelled transporters, and lifted by cranes.
To ensure the safety of crews and the traveling public, we’re closing I-5 during the nighttime installations. Set-up activities may begin as soon as 9 PM, and active installation work will take place between 11:59 PM and 4:30 AM. See below for more details about closures and detour routes.
June 12 – 13: Nighttime northbound I-5 closure
- Crews will begin setup as early as 9 PM on Friday, June 11.
- Northbound I-5 will close at 11:59 PM on Saturday, June 12, and will reopen at 4:30 AM on Sunday, June 13.
Please note that the northbound detour route has been adjusted due to the closure of 5th Ave NE; traffic will be detoured onto Aurora Ave N and Lake City Way NE (see details below).

June 18 – 20: Nighttime southbound I-5 closure
- Crews will begin setup as early as 9 PM on Friday, June 18.
- Southbound I-5 will close at 11:59 PM on Saturday, June 19, and will reopen at 4:30 AM on Sunday, June 20.
Traffic will be detoured onto Aurora Ave N (see details below).

Q: Why do you need to close I-5 for this work?
A: During the closure, the new bridge spans need to be moved into place using self-propelled transporters (essentially, mini remote-controlled cars) and lifted with cranes. To safely complete this work, one full closure in each direction is needed to ensure enough space is available for crew members, large machinery, and equipment staging.
Q: What material will be used for the spans?
A: The bridge spans are made of steel, a common and proven material for hundreds of thousands of bridges across the nation. All bridge materials go through rigorous quality assurance testing during fabrication, assembly, and installation, including the spans across I-5.
Q: How can I prepare for the closures?
A: During the installation of the bridge spans over I-5, it’s important to plan ahead and allow for extra travel time. For your safety and that of others, it’s critical to keep your eyes on the road while work is taking place, and to pay careful attention to site signage, traffic alerts, and email updates leading up to the weekend closures.
Q: Will there be more closures of I-5 in the future?
A: If work is not completed by June 20, a third weekend closure will take place on July 10 and 11. Updates will be provided in advance of this closure, if applicable. Once the bridge span installation over I-5 is complete, we don’t anticipate additional full freeway closures.
Thank you for your patience during construction,
Darrell Bulmer
Communications and Outreach lead
Questions or concerns?
Visit our project webpage for more information and updates, or contact us with any questions:
NorthgateBridge@seattle.gov I (206) 905-3620
At the City of Seattle, we are continuing to follow guidance from federal, state, and local leaders and our public health partners regarding COVID-19. To keep our crews and the public safe, we have required all contractors to submit updated jobsite Health and Safety Plans to ensure that they comply with the safety and social distancing requirements in the Governor’s Order.