Luminaria Walk at Meadowbrook Pond, Saturday, December 4th, 2021
Greetings Neighbors,
It is almost time for my favorite community event – the Luminaria Walk at Meadowbrook Pond. For those of you who have already received this message thru other channels, or already signed up to volunteer – I apologize for the repeat!
We are a little delayed getting started, but have just received a City of Seattle Department of Neighborhood matching grant to cover expenses, and a permit for the event. We hope you will be able to volunteer and help make this event another success for the community.
We are looking for volunteers for the following:
Tuesday, Nov 23rd @ 6:30pm at the Community Center: Luminaire prep – this should take less than 2 hrs if we get enough helpers.
Saturday, Dec 4th @ 4:30pm – help setting up canopies and luminaries along the paths at Meadowbrook Pond so they are ready at 5:30pm
Saturday, Dec 4th @ 8:00pm – help gathering the luminaires back up and clean up after the event.
We are also looking for a few people to take turns supervising the music/umbrella tent during the event.
Please contact Anne Girvin and Mette Greenshields at
On behalf of Anne and myself, thank you so much!
Mette Greenshields