Sand Point Way NE Corridor Construction

Sand Point Way NE Corridor Construction
May 5, 2021
Construction on Sand Point Way NE has started!
We are connecting and extending sidewalks, adding curb bulbs and crosswalks, and making intersection improvements along Sand Point Way NE to create a more complete, predictable, multimodal corridor that enhances safety for people walking, biking, taking transit, and driving.
What’s Happening Now?
We are currently working on the west side of Sand Point Way from NE 70th to NE 77th. We are clearing foliage and preparing for the installation of new sidewalks. Currently, we are trenching for drainage improvements and the installation of a new storm drain.
While we complete this work, two lanes will be closed on the west side of Sand Point Way, with one lane of travel in each direction on the east side of the roadway.
During construction, please expect:
- Typical construction weekday hours of 7 AM – 5 PM, Monday through Friday
- Construction equipment staged in parking stalls or shoulder
- Temporary disruptions to parking along Sand Point Way NE
- Limited access and temporary disruptions to sidewalks on Sand Point Way NE
- Construction noise and vibrations during work hours
- Reduced lane width, two-way traffic will be maintained
- Temporary closure or relocation of bus stops
- A full intersection closure at NE 74th St, detours will be provided; alternate entrance to recreation area will be provided at NE 65th St. (Exact dates will be provided once available.)
What’s Happening Next?
Next week we will continue working on utility improvements on the west side of Sand Point Way. Once the new drainage main is completed between 70th and 74th, the crew will move north to 74th and then 75th with new drainage structures and connections. We will maintain one travel lane in each direction at all times.
Project Overview
Sand Point Way NE is a crucial commuter route that connects many activity centers such as University Village, University of Washington, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Magnuson Park, and runs parallel to the Burke-Gilman Trail.
In 2016, community members submitted a Your Voice, Your Choice request to fund sidewalk improvements along Sand Point Way NE due to the lack of continuous sidewalks and safety concerns within the corridor. We worked with project neighbors and businesses to gather feedback on the design for corridor improvements.
Since 2019, we completed several safety enhancements along Sand Point Way NE, including:
- New curb bulbs and sidewalks at NE 123rd St
- Removed slip lanes, new pedestrian-activated flashing beacons and intersection layout at NE 95th St
- New pedestrian-activated flashing beacons at NE NOAA Dr
- Improved bike connection between the Burke Gilman Trail and The Mountaineers at NE 77th St
- Speed limit reduction from 40 MPH to 30 MPH between Princeton Ave NE and NE74th St
- Signal timing upgrades to enhance pedestrian crossings at Princeton Ave NE, NE 65th St, NE 70th St, and NE 74th St
This project was put on hold in spring 2020 because of limited funding due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding was restored in late 2020 and the project is scheduled to resume construction in April 2021.
Upcoming safety enhancement work along Sand Point Way NE includes:
- New marked crosswalk at NE 77th St*
- New sidewalks between NE 70th St and NE 77th St
- Slip lane removal and protected southbound left turns at the NE 74th St intersection
- New curb bulbs at NE 70th St
*Please note that with the new sidewalks there will not be enough room for vehicles to park in the right-of-way once construction is complete. This includes the west of Sand Point Way between NE 74th St and NE 77th St, and the east side between NE 74th St and NE 75th St.
To learn more about the project, it’s timeline, and anticipated construction impacts please visit the project webpage, or watch our short presentation recording here.

We Want to Keep You Up-to-Date
We will continue to contact neighbors directly, send email updates, and post web updates to keep everyone informed of upcoming construction. For more information about the project please visit our project webpage.
Please tell your friends, family, customers, neighbors, and local businesses to reach out to us with any questions and to sign up for these email updates.
To contact us with questions about construction email or call (206) 256-5458.
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